© Boris Bruegel
BOK (7+)
Here we are. Standing in line.
Trying to meet each other’s eyes
Before we
Run. Jump. Take off.
We do as we're told.
Follow the rules.
We go to school. Do our homework.
Jump over the buck ... wait ... the BUCK?!
In BOK, Dutch for gym buck, there is lots of movement and little words. Theatre group BATMAT experiments with the rules of life and chooses the gym as its metaphorical arena.
Those that aren't fit, have to be smart to survive. And even smarter still if you don’t want to be last pick when choosing teams.
But what if you didn't sleep well? Or forgot your gym clothes? What if you were planning on crawling underneath the buck, instead of jumping over?
© Robbe Maes
BOK is an energetic and physical play for everyone from the age of 7 and up. It will play for both school- and family audiences in 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.
concept & performance Carli Gellings, Heleen Desmet, Laure-Anne Iserief, Paloma Timmerman Neira, Charlotte Wellens
coaching Sabien Van Herzele
costumes Elise Goedgezelschap
scenography & light design Gilles Pollak
technics Gilles Pollak or Hans Rigouts
music Adriaan Van de Velde
production management Tine Coumans
a BATMAT production
co-production HET LAB - Hasselt
thanks to hetpaleis, Westrand Cultuurcentrum Dilbeek, 30CC Leuven, Stad Leuven, Bram Kelchtermans
with the support of the government of Flanders
© Boris Bruegel